Sunday, February 05, 2017

Trump is Winning

By Fred Owens
Trump is Winning
I am listening to my Republican contacts. So far they are thrilled with Trump's dramatic takeover of government. They are willing to forgive and overlook his tirades. Ignore his nonsense, they say, and look for his substance.
Trump supporters are 62 million strong -- the number of people who voted for him -- and they hold the White House.
The opposition is 65 million strong -- the number of people who voted for Clinton. The opposition is in the street, which is another way of saying they are not in power.
So far, as of Super Bowl Sunday, Trump is winning, and it's all about winning, as Trump said himself.
Trump supporters are steadfast in support for his action. I look for signs of weakening or doubt, but I do not see it. Not yet. I look for Trump supporters who are changing their minds about him, but I do not see it. Not yet.
New York Senator Chuck Schumer leads the opposition. He's got Michael Moore and Meryl Streep on his side. Otherwise he's sputtering to an empty house.
Oh, it's not over, not by a long shot. The Democrats will be back, but for now I see no strength. Calling it a Resistance amounts to a confession of impotence.
Update. The so-called President is having trouble with the so-called judges who have been ruling against his immigration ban. Imagine Trump's wrath when little judges who nobody ever heard give HIM orders! This is intolerable.
Trump will seek inspiration from President Andrew Jackson who once defied the court. Jackson said, ""John Marshall has made his decision; now let him enforce it"
Now doubt Trump is planning a similar move.
Again, I am looking at Trump supporters to see if they go along with him in his defiance of the court.
The new narrative is that Andrew Jackson was a bloodthirsty tyrant. But Trump and his supporters still go by the old story of Jackson, the hero, who earned his portrait on the $20 bill.
Touch. Nobody read the story I posted in last week's issue. At least I didn't hear from anybody.
Well, it was too long -- 6,000 words  -- and contained language that some women found offensive.

But I think it was the subject matter that turned people away  -- what it's like to be a nursing aide working at a hospital..... Nursing aides, some 1.5 million working in the United States, get no respect. Nobody ever said, "When I grow up I want to be a nursing aide."

You see TV shows about nurses and doctors -- the nursing aides are the silent women and men working in the background. The entire hospital would come grinding to a halt without these aides. Doctors are almost helpless in this area. Once I asked a doctor to help me hoist up a patient in the bed. He looked at me with horror -- he had never done it.

Nurses get respect, and they deserve it They have unions, associations, and web pages dedicated to their various specialties. But nursing aides get no respect, except an occasional nod from higher up about how we couldn't get along without them.

Nursing aides are losers -- a single mother with an abusive boyfriend, a stout Christian woman with a donut habit, a pimply guy with a strange haircut --  you don't want to know their stories.

I did that work myself for five years, so I earned the story I wrote about that life.

Here's where most people stopped reading:

 “You would be amazed at the amount and variety of bodily fluids that patients emit, “ he said to  Stuart and Jim one morning, and they really didn’t want to hear this, “Urine, sweat, blood, both menstrual and regular, saliva, mucus, crap, ear wax, nose boogers, flaky skin, sperm, the putrefaction of wounds, phlegm….” Jim covered his ears.

Phlegm gets 'em every time. But it's necessary work. That's the important thing to remember. That's what kept me going for five years. Because it needed to be done, so I might as well be the one to do it. But we don't get our own TV show and nobody knows the story.

Fred Owens
cell: 360-739-0214

My gardening blog is  Fred Owens
My writing blog is Frog Hospital

Fred Owens
cell: 360-739-0214

My gardening blog is  Fred Owens
My writing blog is Frog Hospital

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