Monday, July 29, 2019

Old Guys Rule

By Fred Owens

I'm too old and Joe Biden is three years older than me and he's too old, but House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is 79 and she is not too old. Actually, there's no rule about this. It  depends on what you're doing. For instance, I'm too old to operate the gas-powered weed eater on a steep hillside. I can't do it anymore, but I can use the lighter-weight electric weed eater on flat ground, and we can hire someone to take care of the steep hillside, maybe an immigrant of unknown legal status.... you can hire them around here for $15 an hour, although most of them are getting $20 these days. It's supply and demand.

I am going to someone's house --- the address was posted on the Biden for President website -- for a debate watching party on Wed. July, 31, to watch a re-match of the Biden-Harris challenge. I am very interested in these two, I think they need each other to win. Kamala Harris wants to be President and there is no way she gets that job without the full backing of Biden and his team. Also, Biden needs the support of Harris just as much.
Separately they both lose. United, one of them gets to win, either Biden or Harris. Does it really matter which one? And people ask me, what about Elizabeth Warren or Mayor Pete? Well, sure. Or Julian Castro, who is not so well known.

The Frog Hospital readership is not large, but it is nation-wide. I will be soliciting reports on the 2020 campaign from reader/friends in  Texas, Florida, North Carolina, Iowa, Colorado and other places as well. I enjoy making these long-distance phone calls.

Long distance phone calls? Isn't that archaic? Well, I'm too old. Do you remember pay phones, when you needed a dime to call? I was explaining this to the barista at Starbuck's near us. She is about 25. She's a nice person, so she pretended to be interested when I explained that there used to be a pay phone on the corner and it cost a dime, and if someone else was using the pay phone, you had to wait your turn. Then I told her about the the busy signal and stuff like that. The barista nodded politely.

Mesa Harmony Garden News. Vicki and her team of fruit pickers gathered 174 pounds of stone fruit on Monday -- peaches, plums, necta-plums, maybe some apples. We have a lot of fresh figs to be picked in coming weeks, but they perish so quickly  -- it's a problem. But the stone fruit is all brought to the Food Bank for a donation so that lower-income folks can get some fresh fruit. Randy, the deacon at the church which sponsors and supports the Mesa Harmony Garden, says "we're going to get a solid ton of fruit this year, by golly."

I recently reported trouble between our orchard team and the pastor of the church. We are working on that one, having a lot of meetings, making proposals and counter-proposals. Let's hope it all works out because the orchard, all 100 trees, is in superb condition this year thanks to an abundance of rain last winter, and thanks to countless hours of volunteer labor.

Old Guys Rest. We're going to the beach after breakfast and spend a few hours in our Tommy Bahama beach chairs reading novels and watching the dance of sea gulls on the waves. Go for a swim. I like to swim right past the reach of the waves, but not too far out. The cold saltwater re-vitalizes my joints. It really makes me feel good. The beach gets crowded on Sunday afternoons, but we expect that, and besides, everyone is happy and relaxed, no cares and worries on the beach, just children playing and teenagers talking. Southern California at its best.

A New President in 2020. More politics here at Frog Hospital. I think the best use of my time is to help a new President get elected in 2020. I'm backing Biden, but we're not joined at the hip. Almost any Democrat with a pulse will work for me. Seriously, the field is crowded, but let's look at this as an abundance of talent. I'm hoping that Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar will emerge from the pack. You might have your own favorite in the back row. So let's work together on this. I have the stamina and the desire to get this done. Doing nothing leads to a state of fear and anger, so let's get movin'

See ya,


Fred Owens
cell: 360-739-0214

My gardening blog is  Fred Owens
My writing blog is Frog Hospital

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