It's not insulting if you can say it in Yiddish
By Fred Owens
I wrote this yesterday:
President Trump is being impeached because he is a dick.
A conservative friend objected to this earthy comment, so I changed dick to jerk and said Trump is a jerk, but jerk does not convey the magnitude of my contempt for this man. I lie awake at night thinking about things like this. My mind wandered until I found the right word. Putz. The President is a putz, same meaning as dick, but Yiddish. Much better. Yiddish is the language that raises insult to an art form. But what if you are not Jewish? Well, there is no formal board of approval. It's like what I said to Harvey Blume one day -- he is Jewish. I said how come you guys don't have a pope. I mean, who is in charge? Harvey didn't think that was funny. Basically there is no answer to that question. So I said to myself that I will call Trump a putz because he is one.
Next question: Going from Jewish to Catholic, we ask ourselves, does House Speaker Nancy Pelosi hate President Trump. She was angry at even being asked that question, and considered it to be an accusation rather then an inquiry. I don't hate anyone, she said, and she went on to say that she prayed for President Trump every day. Did you believe her when she said that? I did. I was raised in the Catholic tradition, as Speaker Pelosi was, and we were taught not to hate anyone, and I don't, and neither does she. I have an urgent and compelling contempt for this man, but hate? No. I do not wish him any harm, I only wish with all my heart that he was not President. When he leaves the White House he can be pardoned and play golf. As long as he is gone.
So Speaker Pelosi, motivated by the same careful contempt, wants him out of the job. Did her motivation precede the evidence of criminal conduct? Did she go searching for evidence in order to support her contempt? Well, we all have our weaknesses, she may have gone looking for evidence. But how hard was it to find that evidence of malfeasance? Did it take her more than five minutes to find probable cause? Trump is far too blatant. She tried to overlook his misconduct. But it got worse, and more blatant. I believe this -- that she very much did not want to impeach the President, that she did not want to make this cause the crowning achievement of her career, that she does not want to be known as the Speaker who impeached the President. She is not all ego, she is emotionally healthy and balanced. She made the decision to act, and it was the right decision.
She strode forth from her office and stood before the assembled press in her white suit, her most serious white suit, her most powerful white suit, and announced the impending articles of impeachment. It is a condemnation that this man deserves. The articles will pass the vote of the whole House and then be passed on to the Senate. Congress, both House and Senate, will recess for the holidays. And, as the year comes to an end, may a quiet calm descend upon us all and may no man hate another. Let there be peace on this good earth, at least for a few days.
The Quotidian. I was going to run the Quotidian today, but it is too long. People are too busy right now. But I will run the Quotidian in the first of the year because it makes a good read. At 16,000 words, it will be the longest email ever attempted at Frog Hospital, but I have field tested this prolonged essay/story. Harvey Blume himself has read it, most of it, he said, and found no reason to object. Virginia Smith, my college classmate, lives in Toronto. She read it, and she said -- if you can believe this -- that it was too short, and that I skipped over some necessary details. Alan Archiblad, of North Carolina, also a college classmate, read the whole thing and loved it. So it goes into the first issue of 2020, hopefully when you have an hour to spare, because it is pretty long.
Precious. Harvey suggested that I write something about Precious. She was the African woman that I met and married in 1997. I went to Africa to get a story, but I came back with a wife -- that's how I see it, because I have never been able to write about her. I can write about myself easily, and just follow the footsteps of David Livingstone, H. Rider Haggard, Rudyard Kipling, Josef Conrad and all the other great white hunters of yore. Ernest Hemingway too. Good stories, but not one that I could write. And Harvey didn't ask me that anyway, he asked me about Precious. Not my story, her story. Impossible. Precious and I married and lived together for seven years, and divorced and I haven't seen her in years, and after all that love and turmoil, I feel that I never knew her at all and she was nothing but trouble. But Harvey asked me, and that's a dare, so maybe I will try to write something. It was 22 years ago. Maybe it just needed all this time to ripen and yield. I will give it a try.
Our House. Christmas is looking very good. Next week I will make an issue with lots of family news.
A conservative friend objected to this earthy comment, so I changed dick to jerk and said Trump is a jerk, but jerk does not convey the magnitude of my contempt for this man. I lie awake at night thinking about things like this. My mind wandered until I found the right word. Putz. The President is a putz, same meaning as dick, but Yiddish. Much better. Yiddish is the language that raises insult to an art form. But what if you are not Jewish? Well, there is no formal board of approval. It's like what I said to Harvey Blume one day -- he is Jewish. I said how come you guys don't have a pope. I mean, who is in charge? Harvey didn't think that was funny. Basically there is no answer to that question. So I said to myself that I will call Trump a putz because he is one.
Next question: Going from Jewish to Catholic, we ask ourselves, does House Speaker Nancy Pelosi hate President Trump. She was angry at even being asked that question, and considered it to be an accusation rather then an inquiry. I don't hate anyone, she said, and she went on to say that she prayed for President Trump every day. Did you believe her when she said that? I did. I was raised in the Catholic tradition, as Speaker Pelosi was, and we were taught not to hate anyone, and I don't, and neither does she. I have an urgent and compelling contempt for this man, but hate? No. I do not wish him any harm, I only wish with all my heart that he was not President. When he leaves the White House he can be pardoned and play golf. As long as he is gone.
So Speaker Pelosi, motivated by the same careful contempt, wants him out of the job. Did her motivation precede the evidence of criminal conduct? Did she go searching for evidence in order to support her contempt? Well, we all have our weaknesses, she may have gone looking for evidence. But how hard was it to find that evidence of malfeasance? Did it take her more than five minutes to find probable cause? Trump is far too blatant. She tried to overlook his misconduct. But it got worse, and more blatant. I believe this -- that she very much did not want to impeach the President, that she did not want to make this cause the crowning achievement of her career, that she does not want to be known as the Speaker who impeached the President. She is not all ego, she is emotionally healthy and balanced. She made the decision to act, and it was the right decision.
She strode forth from her office and stood before the assembled press in her white suit, her most serious white suit, her most powerful white suit, and announced the impending articles of impeachment. It is a condemnation that this man deserves. The articles will pass the vote of the whole House and then be passed on to the Senate. Congress, both House and Senate, will recess for the holidays. And, as the year comes to an end, may a quiet calm descend upon us all and may no man hate another. Let there be peace on this good earth, at least for a few days.
The Quotidian. I was going to run the Quotidian today, but it is too long. People are too busy right now. But I will run the Quotidian in the first of the year because it makes a good read. At 16,000 words, it will be the longest email ever attempted at Frog Hospital, but I have field tested this prolonged essay/story. Harvey Blume himself has read it, most of it, he said, and found no reason to object. Virginia Smith, my college classmate, lives in Toronto. She read it, and she said -- if you can believe this -- that it was too short, and that I skipped over some necessary details. Alan Archiblad, of North Carolina, also a college classmate, read the whole thing and loved it. So it goes into the first issue of 2020, hopefully when you have an hour to spare, because it is pretty long.
Precious. Harvey suggested that I write something about Precious. She was the African woman that I met and married in 1997. I went to Africa to get a story, but I came back with a wife -- that's how I see it, because I have never been able to write about her. I can write about myself easily, and just follow the footsteps of David Livingstone, H. Rider Haggard, Rudyard Kipling, Josef Conrad and all the other great white hunters of yore. Ernest Hemingway too. Good stories, but not one that I could write. And Harvey didn't ask me that anyway, he asked me about Precious. Not my story, her story. Impossible. Precious and I married and lived together for seven years, and divorced and I haven't seen her in years, and after all that love and turmoil, I feel that I never knew her at all and she was nothing but trouble. But Harvey asked me, and that's a dare, so maybe I will try to write something. It was 22 years ago. Maybe it just needed all this time to ripen and yield. I will give it a try.
Our House. Christmas is looking very good. Next week I will make an issue with lots of family news.
Donations. Donations to Frog Hospital have reached $425 which is
pretty good considering we are tapping a small pool of donors. You can
go to the Frog Hospital blog
and hit the Pay Pal button for $25. Or you can mail a check for a
larger amount to Fred Owens, 1105 Veronica Springs RD, Santa Barbara, CA
93105 ....... Thank you very much ......
So let's recap what has been learned here: the big picture realities of permanent weight loss and how you can look at a weight loss program and decide for yourself if it's for you based on what has been covered above:
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either. This is referred to as a weight loss plateau. You know you're doing all the right things but you're just not losing the weight. In the first week of your program you tend to lose the largest amount of weight. Much of the weight loss this first week is actually excess fluid and can constitute as much as 9 lb (4 kg) or more depending on your starting weight. Fluid loss can
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The reader will also note I said fat loss above not weight loss. Though I use the term 'weight loss' throughout this article, I do so only because it is a familiar term most people understand. However, the true focus and goal of a properly set up nutrition and exercise plan
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Eat a sound eating regimen loaded with bunches of vegetables, organic products, and entire grain items.
Fasting: While fasting has significant influence in a few eating regimens, it is for the most part not prescribed for safe weight reduction.
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reduce are hungrier and suffer from higher appetite levels than they did before the loss. This lasts for at least one year after weight loss, making it far more difficult for someone who has dieted to maintain a lower weight than it is for someone who has never undergone a weight loss program.
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The reader will also note I said fat loss above not weight loss. Though I use the term 'weight loss' throughout this article, I do so only because it is a familiar term most people understand. However, the true focus and goal of a properly set up nutrition and exercise plan should be on fat loss, not weight loss. A focus on losing weight, which may include a loss
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to ensure your survival in case of future famine and instead use lean tissue or muscle to provide it with calories it needs to keep its vital organs such as your brain, heart, kidneys and liver functioning. If you reach a point where you have very little fat or muscle, your body will metabolize your organs to keep your brain functioning leading to heart attack, stroke and liver and kidney failure.
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Equally, be it a conventional diet, a fad diet, or a diet pill, the early rapid bodyweight reduction effect mostly likely to be experienced is virtually the same - body water loss. However, diets that employ have severe caloric restrictions or that are high in protein can significantly increase this effect.
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Weight Loss Fact: Nice try there. If only we could blame "hunger" for it. In fact, this person we call hunger has nothing to do with you OVEREATING. It might have something to do your body telling you that it is time to "fuel up" and that it needs food, but that is not an indication that one should overeat. What causes many people to overeat are different reasons. One of the
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500 weight loss surgery patients showed that nearly 96% of health conditions associated with obesity - such as high blood pressure, depression, sleep apnea, back pain and diabetes - improved greatly following loss of excess weight and long-term commitment to diet and exercise.
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In case you're gradually putting on weight after some time, it is likely that your caloric admission is more prominent than the quantity of calories you smolder through your day by day exercises.
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