Thursday, November 06, 2014


The world's busiest airport is Atlanta. How did that happen? The world's 8th busiest airport is Charles  de Gaulle, some 16 miles to the northeast of Paris.

The old airport, closer to the city, is Le Bourget, but it is only used for general aviation now as well as being the site of the famed Paris Air Show.

My daughter works for Boeing and she is in Paris now attending some kind of aviation conference at Le Bourget.

I am not envious of her journey because I have the highest confidence that I will soon be there myself. In Paris.

My current travel day dreams are...... England, France, and Switzerland, perhaps next September.

I recently spent ten days in Spain, so that fired up my international rating. Then Laurie and I booked a ten day tour of  Guatemala in February.

So it seems that travel day dreams are closer to reality.

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