Saturday, June 29, 2013

The Coyote Ate the Cat

Got a phone call from a friend in Nebraska, he said, "Retirement is like being unemployed until you're dead."
The guy got retired by his firm of long-standing -- shown the door.

"It really hit me last week. I had my tires rotated. I never did that before, never had the time. And I don't have hobbies. I hate hobbies."
You could travel.

"I might travel. My wife wants to go to India. I want to go someplace with good plumbing."

What are you going to do otherwise?

"I'm going to start feeding stray cats until I get 2 or 3 dozen crawling all over the place. Then I'm going to sit on the front porch and glare at people walking by."
Sounds like you have a vision.

"Just a way to pass the time. I enjoy pissing people off."

Edward Snowden. "I'm not going to be scrambling jets to get a 29-year-old hacker," Obama said, giving new meaning to the phrase "feigned indifference."

This is a classic Obama head fake. I suspect his minions are striving with great effort to secure Snowden, but until Snowden gets caught Obama pretends he doesn't care.

Likewise, Putin denies having his agents debrief Snowden at the Moscow airport -- sure.

Snowden makes a case that the USA operates an oppressive surveillance regime, but his case was weakened, to say the least, when he fled to China and Russia...... Out of the frying pan and into the fire.

Feelings. Men don't express their emotions -- women say that. Actually men express their emotions to each other, which is why I know how other men feel about things....... But you didn't talk, the woman said, I didn't hear it...... Well, that could be that men express their emotions to each other, but not to you, dear sister. We have our own ways of communicating...... But you didn't say anything, the woman said, I don't see your point.....And he said, Exactly, that was my point.........

Men express the emotions they have, not the emotions they don't have. Men don't have the same emotions that women have. A man might be expressing a feeling, and a woman might not understand that or even hear that because she has never had that feeling.

Men express their feelings to other men who have had that same feeling. They understand each other.

Women have feelings that men don't have. Men understand that. That's why men say, without embarrassment, "we don't understand you."

When a men has an emotion that is similar to a woman's emotion, then he can tell her about that, and she will understand.

When a man has an emotion different than what a woman has, she will not understand it.

I think that pretty much explains it. Did I leave anything out?

Master Gardener. A well-meaning relative suggested I take the Master Gardener Training Course. This confused me. "You think I should take the course? Gosh, I think I should be teaching the course."

I am a Master Gardener. I have had my hands in the dirt as long as I can remember. And I do things strictly by the book -- because I wrote the book.

And you can read it and you can learn from me. But it occurs to me that if my own relative thinks I need to take a course, then I must be presenting myself poorly. I need to receive a certificate at some kind of ceremonial conclave. The American Society of Horticulturists with the Best of Intentions awards Fred Owens with their Gold Medal, then I will be acknowledged as a Master Gardener.

More like Old Gardener. I'm an Old Gardener. But still learning. I can say I'm a gardener in Arabic. انا فلاح Ana Fellah -- when I get to the Middle East I will say that, and they will invite me to their homes and we will discuss the growing of things.

Laughing. I think this Frog Hospital essay is very funny. It makes me smile. Have a good weekend.

Fred Owens
cell: 360-739-0214

My blog is Fred Owens

send mail to:

Fred Owens
35 West Main St Suite B #391
Ventura CA 93001

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