Monday, May 14, 2018

seven gardens

Dear Friends,

I worked in seven gardens this week. Six of these gardens have roses and all these roses are in full bloom with unblemished foliage. It is a good year for roses in Santa Barbara. The seventh garden has hydrangeas and they are looking good too.
I argued with a friend on Facebook about politics and got agitated. That was Saturday morning. I try not to let that happen. Lane is a good friend, but I do not share his views. Still  it's hard to accuse him. I remember the time, maybe 1998,  when my car broke down in Marblemount, way up the Skagit River, some 70 miles from my home in LaConner. Well, Lane lives near Marblemount. He drives a robust SUV Surburban. He said, "Look, I got a flat bed trailer. I can just hook that up and put your car on it and take you back to LaConner." A seventy mile tow, for a friend. I can't argue with that. Except he is wrong most of the time on politics.
Anyway, the Current Occupant of the White House is the source of much agitation. I call him Captain Chaos, and he thrives on disruption. Argh!
I turned off my iPad and retreated to the garden. We planted tomatoes and peppers. Working side by side with Laurie brought me a sense of calm. I feel that garden work is essential, and I do it everyday. But we must remember the immortal words of Aristotle, that public service is the highest good and we must do our duty as citizens. Vote! Debate! Discuss! Ask Questions! Read History!
But don't get agitated. Participate. Make an iron determination to remain calm.
The inspiring example for calm determination is Barack Obama. What a good President he was. In 2008 he won the popular vote and the electoral vote. In 2012 he did it again. Twice a winner, and retired with honor.
Obama's eight years were untouched by personal scandal. A good father to his two children, a good husband to Michelle. There were no Me Too moments in his life. A quiet home life. He played golf.
I don't golf myself but I applaud the sport and I believe that time on the golf course gives time for reflection and repose -- something every President needs.

Obama could never show anger when he was President. That was understood. The first black President could not show anger. Instead Obama appeared detached, aloof and arrogant, because he could show that. But he could not show anger. This is how it seemed to me.
It's the Jackie Robinson rule. Jackie Robinson integrated Major League Baseball in 1947. He could play hard and play rough, but he could not show anger.... That worked and Obama followed his example.
My friend and college classmate Virginia Smith said, "Obama was also just naturally a cool guy with a long fuse. How did he get that way? -- maybe growing up in Hawaii."
I criticize Obama for one thing, the Affordable Care Act. It was a mistake to pass that important reform without bi-partisan support.  Delaying the bill, or watering down the proposal, as unwelcome as that was to the Democrats, would have been far less trouble in the long run.  No major reform can succeed without bi-partisan support. We can see that in hindsight, as the beginning of all-out partisan conflict which has reached a boiling point with the current president.
But we are talking about temperament. Obama had a calm style that a majority of voters could live with, that's why he was twice elected.
And no, Obama is not coming back for a third term. It's up to us now  -- to confront disruption with calm purpose.
Except for one thing, Obama has, shall we say, a personal stake in the Iran deal. Trump has baited him on that, calling it terrible and not worth a shred of paper. Obama might very well emerge from the golf course to defend his record on that.
Obama is young and healthy. He is well-liked around the world. It's not over.
Israel. It took seventy years to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. We could have waited another seventy years.
thank you and have a good week,


Fred Owens
cell: 360-739-0214

My gardening blog is  Fred Owens
My writing blog is Frog Hospital

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