Monday, April 10, 2006

Los descamisados

Los descamisados -- those are the shirtless ones, the ones who supported Juan and Evita Peron in Argentina in the 1950s. Now we have "Los Camisas blancas" -- the white shirts marching in America. I kept checking the Internet all day at work, trying to get live pictures of the marches from, but the fucking Internet was too slow, I couldn't get anything.

So I checked the Houston Chronicle and the New York Times for updated reports during the day. There were many marchers today, but nothing like the half million in Dallas, the biggest demonstration in Texas history. I was surprised. I thought that Texas was too conservative for such a turnout. I was wrong.

Something is going on here. The funny thing is that it is not all good for the immigrants. They will only get part of what they ask/demand. Oh, but I do like the way they present themselves.

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